<%@ Page Title="White Label, File Access, Sync And Sharing Solution For Managed Service Providers" Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/template19/SiteWhite.Master" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="default.aspx.cs" Inherits="CentreStack.ServiceProvider.BrandableSyncAndShare._default" %> <%@ Register Src="~/template19/ItCall4Action.ascx" TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="Call4Action" %> <%@ Register Src="~/template19/ItCall4ActionBand.ascx" TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="Call4ActionBand" %> <%@ Register Src="~/template19/ItContactBand.ascx" TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="ContactBand" %> White Label File Sharing for MSPs

White Labeled File Sharing Solution for MSPs

Build a branded, multi-tenant online file sharing solution for your customers with your own infrastructure and your brand, and with your customer's infrastructure for data ownership, data security, privacy and permission control.

White Label, Multi-Tenant File Sharing for MSPs

The Challenge

As an MSP, your customers may look to the cloud as they face difficulties accessing traditional file servers from mobile devices. They may already use some consumer file sharing and sync solutions such as Dropbox or Office 365 and using those solutions in an ad-hoc way to solve temporary file sharing needs from here and there. How many of you discovered that Dropbox was installed on a client's file server by client themselves and you had to deal with the data security problems there after.

As if data security was not a big enough problem, losing file server data to a 3rd party service is a major problem too. A file server used to be under management contract will be gone in the near future, leaving MSPs with less revenue generating assets. Overall, it is a lose-lose situation, when clients losing data security and together with the MSPs losing data ownership.

The Solution

CentreStack provides a way for you to maintain control by becoming their cloud provider. Simply install the CentreStack package on Amazon EC2 servers and configure it with Amazon S3 storage to create a multi-tenant, self-hosted file sharing platform in Amazon with your branding. In many cases, you can do this for free with existing Amazon credits that you may not be using. You can deploy the same in Microsoft Azure data center with Azure Compute instances and Azure Blob Storage. If you are outside of the United States, you can also deploy CentreStack to any data center you choose. If you are an MSP with local data center deployments and assets, you can setup CentreStack in a local data center as a dropbox-like, private file sharing solution to your clients.

After the CentreStack server is deployed, you can then install agents on customer file servers to synchronize existing file shares, users and permissions to the cloud. Users can continue to use the existing shares until the migration is complete. Once the migration is completed, the file server can be kept as a local gateway, or retired to create a cloud-only file access and collaboration platform. The process is so seamless that users generally require no downtime and minimal, if any training.

MSP Solution Highlights

Besides data privacy and control, CentreStack offers the following benefits for MSPs:

Channel Friendly

CentreStack is focused on selling through MSP partners.

White Label Branding

The product name, user interfaces and even the mobile clients can be easily branded.

Native Integration

CentreStack integrates natively with an MSP's existing infrastructure including on-premises file servers, hosted file servers and Amazon or Azure data centers.

Multi Tenant

The solution is multi tenant ready with a single pane of glass to manage multi-tenant assets from file shares and users to storage consumption.

Partner Support

The CentreStack team work closely with partners and product updates are delivered weekly.


Enhance data control and security while reducing server management and replacement costs!

Data Ownership

Continue to retain ownership of file server data while helping clients with managed file sync and share solution.

Boost Revenue

Put CentreStack into the cloud solution portfolio and managed service contract to boost MSP revenue.

Reduce Cost

Use CentreStack to replace costly VPN solution for file access and sharing to reduce support ticket cost.

Productivity Benefits

Enhanced productivity for remote workers and mobile devices accessing files.

Easy User Experience

CentreStack gives end user a mapped drive letter to access files and folders, with natively integrated Active Directory and permission and with file locking. Users are already trained.

Multi Tenant Ready

CentreStack gives administrator a single multi-tenant dashboard from any modern web browser for management of tenants, users, storage consumption and shared folders. Audit trace and file change history are a plus for compliances.

File Server Friendly

With features like file server migration to cloud, on-demand synchronization , or end-point encryption, it is a file server friendly solution to take care of big dataset, access control and remote device with small capacity.