Wasabi Hot Storage Web Browser Access

Are you looking for a simpler way to access your data in Wasabi Hot Storage?
Perhaps you're looking for a web browser based file manager?
Turn Wasabi Hot Storage into a web based secure access and file sharing solution!

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Stephen Monk

CentreStack is the best file server replacement solution on the market. They aren’t just leading the market, but they basically created a new market - none of the other products can do the things that I can do with CentreStack.

Stephen Monk
CEO, Noverus Innovations

Unleash the Power of Wasabi Hot Storage

Wasabi Hot Storage is the most affordable and powerful cloud storage service in the industry. Wasabi is 1/5 the price and 6x as fast as alternative cloud storage services like Amazon S3.

Wasabi is a cloud object storage that is compatible with Amazon S3. It can be integrated with AWS, Google Cloud or Microsoft Azure solutions, using the same protocol and tools. Wasabi is a value-oriented, high-performance, low-latency, and high-availability cloud object storage offering.

Unleash the power of Wasabi Storage as an enterprise cloud file server with remote access via desktop drives, secure file sharing via web browsers, and accompanied by mobile applications on iOS and Android devices.

CentreStack Solution

CentreStack, with its Wasabi API integration, adds secure remote access and file sharing, disaster prevention and recovery, to on-premises file servers with easy cloud migration to Wasabi Web Services. Instantly integrate your traditional file servers into hybrid cloud file servers. Seamlessly access files from mapped drives, mobile devices, and web browsers anywhere. And easily share files and folders as web links from Outlook or web browsers.


CentreStack combines file servers and Wasabi Hot Storage for secure remote access and mobile file sharing.


CentreStack leverages Wasabi as a central cloud file repository with version control, file change history, and audit tracing.


CentreStack sets up a hybrid deployment between local file servers and Wasabi Hot Storage so to enable seamless migration.

CentreStack Feature Highlights


Remote access to file shares from a drive letter without requiring a VPN. Mobile applications included!


Minimize storage and bandwidth consumption by automatically synchronizing and caching only the files you need.


CentreStack adds version control and file protection to the local file server.

Feature Highlights


Local file server and Wasabi storage are synchronized to ensure business continuity and easy cloud migration.


Retain NTFS permissions and Active Directory identities when connecting file servers to Wasabi.


Granular folder permissions that can mirror NTFS permissions or start from scratch.


Hybrid Local File Servers with
Wasabi Hot Storage

CentreStack File Server Agent installed on the file server that will migrate to Wasabi cloud over time. Supports Windows 2016/2019/2022 (32-bit/64-bit).

If the file server is in the same network as the CentreStack server, a direct connection is also possible (see Option #2). The file server is optional if you have other ways to migrate data to Wasabi and want a simple locally mapped drive to access the files and folders via a familiar Windows Explorer interface.

Hybrid File Servers


File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

Suppose you've already migrated local file server data into the Wasabi data center. CentreStack provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

File Server as the Cloud

Problems Solved

CentreStack's file server integration and enablement solves these problems by installing agent software on your file server, or by mounting your file server network share directly into CentreStack if direct access is available. The software intelligently manages local and cloud storage and offers a range of cloud enablement options.

Most importantly, Active Directory security and the NTFS permission model are maintained as if they had never been changed. Drive mapping is also retained, giving end users a familiar drive letter to access files from remote locations. File locking is also maintained when multiple users are working on the same file at the same time.

The end result is that the file server's network shares are synchronized with Wasabi and CentreStack provides a complete access solution for Windows mapped drives and Mac Finder mounted volumes for iOS and Android.

Secure Access and File Sharing

Attach local file server folders to your CentreStack server to enable remote access. The original network shares remain accessible over the local area network.

Server in the Cloud

You can also use these features by using an existing Wasabi Virtual Machines file server in VPC as a private cloud.

Global Workspace

Create a global namespace directory structure that unifies disparate file servers into a single folder structure and enables cross-site collaboration with a distributed cloud file system backed by Wasabi Hot Storage.

Migrate to Wasabi Hot Storage

Alternatively, the contents of the file server can be migrated to Wasabi Hot Storage over time to form a hybrid environment. This allows remote access as well as a background backup process for business continuity.

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