Case Study
Rock Solid Computer Services

Rock Solid Computer Services is an MSP based in Canada that uses CentreStack to share files from servers on-premises.


  • Simplify User Experience


  • Central File Repository
  • Cloud-Based File Server


  • Anchor

The biggest highlight has been the response time. Any time we report either issues or feature requests, I would say 75% of the time, either the fix or the feature is added within the week. There are weekly updates; they are smooth and easy. The response time of the development team has been astounding.

Owner, Rock Solid Computer Services


Rock Solid Computer Services (RSCS) was using their on-premise servers for client storage needs. Their clients were having difficulty sharing any large or sensitive files requiring extra security.

A significant portion of RSCS’ clients are in the legal, financial, and insurance industries and often handle highly sensitive, confidential files. Canadian companies in these industries fall under regulations requiring assurances that certain kinds of data never leave national boundaries for storage on servers in other countries. This meant that any cloud storage on another non-Canadian company’s server was a non-starter as it would prevent RSCS from being able to provide the mandated assurances.

RSCS thought they found a strong, potential solution in Anchor, but repeated difficulties throughout the implementation process made the solution untenable.


After their false start with Anchor, RSCS discovered CentreStack. Implementation of CentreStack’s platform proved to be straight-forward and without issue.

RSCS now uses CentreStack as their locally hosted file repository and cloudbased file sharing solution.

CentreStack is able to leverage RSCS’ own Canadian-based servers for simple and secure file sharing capabilities, allowing RSCS to delight clients while also providing the regulatory assurances they need.


Locally Hosted File Server

CentreStack enables clients to use their own trusted servers while leveraging CentreStack software for easy and secure file sharing.

Fixes and Features

Owner Dean Bishop acknowledged regular updates, fixes, and features as an outstanding aspect of working with CentreStack's MSP First Mindset. “Its nice that we don’t have to compete with CentreStack as a vendor to our clients,” says Dean. “They put us, as an MSP, first.”

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