Case Study
4D IT Solutions

IT Consultant, 4D IT Solutions, boosts revenue by packaging CentreStack as an on-premise server cloud solution.


  • Simplify User Experience
  • Add Revenue Stream


  • Legal
  • Construction


  • Guest Portal
  • Central File Repository
  • Direct File Sharing
  • Remote File Sharing
  • Cloud-Based File Server

CentreStack customer service is really good. They use electronic ticketing, which is what we prefer. To be transparent, in the 3 years since we rolled out CentreStack, we have had very few issues, which speaks volumes to the quality of their solution.

CEO, 4D IT Solutions


4D IT Solutions is not a traditional managed service provider. Their core business is providing IT consulting solutions, but many of their clients were having issues with mainstream cloud storage solutions.

Recognizing this as a big opportunity for generating new revenue, they decided to research a solution they could implement and offer directly to their clients. The most important attributes for a prospective cloud solution were more robust privacy measures, alignment with client data governance requirements, and ease-of-use.


4D IT decided on CentreStack. Their new offering currently supports on-premise deployments of CentreStack, allowing 4D IT to fully vet each set-up while also having full control over the server environment.

The biggest benefit for their clients is the data governance that CentreStack affords. With their on-premise deployments, 4D IT can confidently say that data never leaves the security of their client’s network.

Deploying CentreStack has also made management of their setup much simpler for 4D IT’s clients.

“We are mostly selling CentreStack to replace remote initiated VPN. The first time we did this, we said to our client, ‘let’s do an experiment and shut down your VPN and see what you won’t be able to do.’ We had 0 requests for client initiated VPN because they could still get to all of their content,” said Jordan Ray, CEO of 4D IT.


Boosted Revenue

$25,000 in new income by deploying CentreStack using on-premise servers as a VPN replacement.

Increased Privacy

“Our clients have a lot of sensitive data, protected by NDA’s. The data never leaves their ecosystem.”

Easy to Audit

“Because data isn’t leaving their ecosystem, the audit process is very simple. For one client, a law firm, we cut down the audit process from 2 weeks to 2 hours.”

Q&A with Jordan Ray, CEO of 4D IT Solutions

What is the greatest benefit for your clients using CentreStack?

“They have a better user experience and private data.”

What is the greatest benefit for 4D IT using and selling CentreStack?

“The mobility of use and the product is just more robust and efficient.”

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