Solving the Google Workspace 100 TB Storage Limit for Research Institutions Using AWS S3

Are you struggling to accept the storage limit policy changes for Google Workspace for Education?

Does the newly imposed 100 TB storage limit have you scrambling to find a new home for your data?

Don't want to deal with the headaches of building your own access and collaboration interface for S3?

In the modern era, research institutions are generating and analyzing larger amounts of data than ever before. This trend is set to continue, as new technologies like AI, machine learning, and big data analytics continue to evolve. As a result, there has been a growing need for research institutions to store and manage vast quantities of research data. However, Google Workspace for Education has recently imposed a limit of 100TB across all end-users, creating a serious problem for research institutions with larger data sets.

Why the Limit of 100TB is a Challenge for Research Institutions

Research institutions generate vast amounts of data that needs to be stored, managed, and accessed by teams of researchers, faculty, and students. However, Google Workspace for Education has recently imposed a limit of 100TB across all end-users. This is a challenge for institutions with larger data sets, as it is simply not enough storage to meet their needs.

The 100TB limit might be sufficient for some institutions, but for those who generate large amounts of data on a regular basis, this limit presents a significant problem. Institutions will have to either find alternative storage solutions, delete data or purchase additional storage, which is not only time-consuming but also expensive. In addition, researchers and students might have to spend time migrating data between platforms, which can be a tedious and cumbersome process. As of this writing, Google limits data transfer to 750 GB per day. So, if Google Workspace holds the only copy of your data, it will take more than 3.5 years to extract the first 100 TB!

Challenges of AWS

CentreStack, an access and collaboration front end for AWS S3 that provides virtually unlimited storage for these institutions.

Solving the Problem Using CentreStack as a Front End for AWS S3

CentreStack provides an access and collaboration front end for storage services like S3 that provides virtually unlimited storage for research institutions. It offers a secure and scalable platform that enables researchers, faculty, and students to store, access, and collaborate on large amounts of data.

CentreStack allows institutions to use their existing storage infrastructure, providing a seamless and easy-to-use interface that simplifies the process of storing, accessing, and sharing research data. It integrates with S3, providing virtually unlimited storage space, without the need for additional hardware or infrastructure.

Deployment Option #1

Hybrid Local File Servers with Amazon S3

CentreStack File Server Agent installed on the file server that will migrate to AWS over time. Supports Windows 2016/2019/2022 (32-bit/64-bit).

If the file server is in the same network as the CentreStack server, a direct connection is also possible (see Option #2). The file server is optional if you have other ways to migrate data to AWS S3 and want a simple locally mapped drive to access the files and folders via a familiar Windows Explorer interface.

Hybrid Local File Servers with Amazon S3

Deployment Option #2

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

If you've already migrated local file server data into the AWS data center with AWS VPC (EC2 servers), CentreStack provides a direct file access solution from remote devices and mobile devices.

File Servers with Direct Cloud Access

AWS File Sharing Solution

CentreStack is a solution that adds iPhone application, web browser interface, and Windows mapped drive, and Mac Finder volume to Amazon S3 buckets and turn Amazon S3 into a corporate cloud file server solution.

Remote Access

Combines on-premise file servers and Amazon S3 for secure remote access without the need to use a VPN.

Disaster Recovery

Leverages Amazon S3 as a central cloud file repository with version control, file change history, and audit tracing to provide business continuity for file servers on-premises.

Mobile Sharing

Uses Amazon S3 storage in the cloud for secure mobile file sharing from a web browser or mobile application.

Cloud Migration

Sets up a hybrid deployment between local file servers and Amazon S3 storage that can be seamlessly converted to AWS only later.

The Benefits of Using CentreStack as a Front End for AWS S3

CentreStack offers a solution to the limitations of cloud storage for research institutions. By using CentreStack as a front end for S3, institutions can provide secure and controlled access to data sets while still leveraging the benefits of virtually unlimited storage.

CentreStack offers a range of features that make it an ideal front end for AWS S3. These features include:

CentreStack Feature Highlights


CentreStack provides advanced security features, including encryption, two-factor authentication, and access controls, that help keep data sets secure.


CentreStack makes it easy to collaborate on data sets with colleagues and external partners. Users can share files and folders, control access to data sets, and monitor changes in real time.


CentreStack provides granular control over data sets, allowing users to set permissions, audit trails, and usage policies. This level of control is essential for institutions that need to comply with regulatory requirements.

CentreStack Feature Highlights


CentreStack integrates with a range of storage services, including AWS S3. This integration allows institutions to leverage the benefits of Amazon’s Simple Storage Service while still providing secure and controlled access to data sets.


CentreStack is highly scalable and can handle large data sets without compromising performance. This scalability is essential for research institutions that need to handle large amounts of data.

Data Sovereignty

You maintain control of your data. You choose where it's hosted. You can move it all to the cloud or maintain a locally synchronized copy.

Using AWS as a File Server

CentreStack, with the AWS API integration, adds secure remote access and file sharing, disaster prevention, and recovery to file server on-premises with easy cloud migration to Amazon Web Services.


CentreStack combines file servers and AWS for secure remote access and file sharing.


CentreStack leverages AWS as a central cloud file repository with version control, file change history, and audit tracing to provide business continuity for file servers on-premises.


CentreStack sets up a hybrid deployment between local file servers and AWS that can be seamlessly converted to AWS only. The result is a cloud file server on top of AWS instead of on-premise.

Take Your File Servers To Amazon S3

Are you taking your on-premise file servers to Amazon S3 or bring Amazon S3 closer to your on-premise file server? CentreStack helps you create a hybrid cloud file server solution with a full range of secure file sharing capabilities. You can start using AWS as a file server without giving up your on-premise file server.

Take Your File Servers
To Amazon S3

Additional Benefits of CentreStack

CentreStack file server integration and enablement solves these problems by installing agent software on your file server or directly mounting your file server network share into CentreStack when direct access is available. It intelligently manages local and cloud storage together to provide a range of cloud enablement options.

The active directory security and NTFS permission model remains unchanged. And drive mapping functionality is kept, so end users get a familiar drive letter to access files from remote locations. File locking is also maintained for multiple users collaborating on the same file at the same time.

The result is that the file server network shares synchronize with AWS. CentreStack provides a complete access solution from Windows mapped drives; Mac Finder mounted volumes; to iOS and Android applications; and access the Amazon S3 storage securely.

Enhance Data Security

CentreStack includes military-grade endpoint encryption to protect files sitting on remote devices, in addition to data-in-transit encryption for file transfer and data-at-rest encryption for data storage.

Maintain Existing Permissions

It takes years for businesses to develop the current permission structure that safeguards files and folders in local file servers. CentreStack maintains the existing NTFS permissions and safeguards.

Retain Data Ownership

Businesses can offer a file sharing and mobile access solution to their employees while owning and controlling everything from the back-end storage services to the front-end mobile applications.

Maintain Compliance

Centrally manage users, access controls, and storage. Easily keep track of where the data is, who has access and how it’s shared. Admins can perform audits of GDPR and HIPAA compliance or keep track of any changes made to individual files.

Central Repository

CentreStack gives businesses a central file repository that they own and can consolidate file servers into a centralized cloud file server instead of allowing files to scatter and leak to 3rd party services.

Central Control

Integrate natively with Active Directory, so user identities and file accesses remain centrally controlled.

Deployment Flexibility

CentreStack has the flexibility to be deployed on-premises, in Amazon data centers, Azure data centers, or any data center around the world closest to your business.

White Labeled File Sharing

CentreStack provides a white-labeled platform that makes it easy for MSP partners to build a private cloud file server solution.

Secure Access & File Sharing

Attach local file server folders to your CentreStack server. Once attached, it is accessible online, enabling remote access. At the same time, the original network shares remain accessible on the local area network.

Migrate Existing File Shares to AWS S3 Storage

Alternatively, file server content can be migrated over time to Amazon S3 to form a hybrid environment. In addition to remote access, this enables a background backup process for business continuity.

Global Workspace

Create a global namespace directory structure unifying different file servers into a single folder structure, enabling multi-site collaboration. It is a distributed file system in the cloud, backed by Amazon S3.

Server In the Cloud

You can also leverage the features above by using the existing file server from Amazon EC2 Virtual Machines in VPC as a private cloud.

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