Data Security and Encryption

Enhancing Remote File Access with Secure Encryption

CentreStack enhances your business's data security by seamlessly integrating with your infrastructure, providing top-tier encryption for shared files. It ensures remote access security and confidential information protection, leveraging cloud technology for a secure, scalable collaboration solution.

In the digital era, CentreStack ensures your business's data remains secure and encrypted, seamlessly integrating with your infrastructure. It offers a solution where remote access and file sharing don't compromise security, thanks to top-tier encryption. This cloud file server technology not only boosts collaboration but also protects your sensitive information, regardless of your team's location. CentreStack is your go-to for managing, sharing, and securing your most valuable asset—data.


In today's digital landscape, businesses face mounting challenges in safeguarding their data. As remote work becomes the norm, the need for secure file sharing and data encryption intensifies. Yet, achieving this without compromising ease of access or collaboration efficiency remains a daunting task. The complexity of integrating encryption into existing systems further complicates data security efforts, leaving many organizations vulnerable.

Remote Work Vulnerabilities

The shift to remote work has expanded the attack surface, increasing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.

Complex Integration

Incorporating encryption into existing infrastructure poses significant challenges, often requiring specialized knowledge.

Collaboration vs. Security

Finding a balance between secure data practices and maintaining seamless collaboration and access is a persistent hurdle.

Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the maze of data protection regulations adds another layer of complexity to securing sensitive information.

Recognizing these challenges is crucial for evolving your organization's data security and encryption strategies.

Existing Solutions and Their Limitations

In the quest for robust data security and encryption, businesses often encounter significant hurdles with existing market solutions. While these tools promise comprehensive protection and seamless integration, the reality often falls short. The limitations of these solutions not only hinder operational efficiency but also leave sensitive data exposed to potential threats. This section delves into the specific shortcomings of current data security and encryption offerings, setting the stage for a deeper appreciation of the advanced capabilities and benefits that CentreStack provides.

Complex Integration Processes

Many data security solutions require cumbersome integration efforts, disrupting existing workflows and demanding substantial IT resources.

Inadequate Remote Access Security

Competing solutions often compromise on security to facilitate remote access, exposing businesses to increased risk of data breaches.

Limited Collaboration Efficiency

Existing encryption technologies can impede user collaboration, making file sharing and teamwork more challenging than it needs to be.

Scalability Concerns

As organizations grow, many data security solutions struggle to scale effectively, leading to performance bottlenecks and increased vulnerability.

Introducing CentreStack

CentreStack's Data Security and Encryption solution tackles remote work vulnerabilities, complex integrations, and the need for secure collaboration by utilizing advanced encryption technologies and offering seamless integration. This ensures data protection and accessibility for teams, regardless of their location.

Enhanced Security

CentreStack fortifies your data with top-tier encryption, safeguarding against unauthorized access and breaches, ensuring compliance with regulatory standards.

Seamless Integration

With CentreStack, integrating data security into your existing infrastructure is hassle-free, requiring no specialized knowledge and minimizing disruptions to workflows.

Balanced Collaboration

Our solution strikes the perfect balance between robust security measures and maintaining high collaboration efficiency, enabling seamless file sharing and teamwork.

Scalable Solutions

As your business grows, CentreStack's scalable data security solutions adapt, ensuring your data remains protected without performance bottlenecks.

Explore CentreStack's capabilities to enhance your data security and encryption approach. Implement our solution to achieve unmatched protection and efficiency.

Unlock secure, scalable collaboration with CentreStack's encryption—no VPN needed!

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Permission Control

Dropbox and Google Drive don't have the same level of centralized control as a file server. You might miss the NTFS permissions and the ability to know where your data is, who has access to it and what they're doing with it.

Our partners

Elevate your data security with CentreStack's encryption solution. Discover the secure, scalable way to mobilize your file servers today.

How It Works Diagram - Two flavors of CentreStack

CentreStack Online

We host CentreStack for you in AWS

Organizations need to enhance mobility and productivity through streamlined remote access and collaboration. CIOs seek online solutions with seamless cloud integration to minimize disruption and reduce employee retraining for new cloud storage systems.

Mapped Drives

Remotely access file shares from a drive letter without the need for a VPN. Cloud replication is optional!

File Locking

Provides full support for file locking from the cloud, with a familiar file server locking experience.

File Servers

Solve file server sync and share problems while facilitating mobile access and business continuity.

Mobile Access

Connect to your file server with a mobile device and edit directly using Microsoft Office Mobile Apps.


Use web links to share files and folders with recipients or receive files directly from a web browser.

Mobile Apps

Mobile applications provide file server remote access from iOS and Android devices.

CentreStack Server

Self-Hosted CentreStack Server Installation

Implement a private cloud file-sharing and secure remote access solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure, enabling you to serve your clients efficiently and effectively.


From our success stories, MSPs making $24K and have 80% margins. It is an excellent way for MSPs to enhance their service portfolio.


CentreStack adopts a single-pane-of-glass management model, allowing MSPs to manage the solution from one single web interface.


CentreStack is multi-tenant by design, making it easy for MSP to set up and support multiple clients from one single deployment.

White Label

CentreStack is a white-label solution supporting complete branding from web interface to mobile applications.


CentreStack integrates with file servers, AWS, Azure, and google. The integration makes it easy for MSPs to deploy solutions.


CentreStack partner programs offer marketing collaterals and partner incentives and assistance for solution deployments.

If you are an enterprise seeking a self-hosted solution that complements your existing IT infrastructure with enhanced remote access and collaboration capabilities, explore Triofox—our robust sibling solution designed specifically for larger organizations.

How It Works

CentreStack boosts data security and encryption by integrating seamlessly with your business infrastructure, ensuring secure and efficient remote file access and sharing. Our solution employs advanced encryption technologies as the foundation of our data protection strategy. By detailing the operational mechanics, we aim to demystify our technology's role in securing your data, ensuring it remains accessible and conducive to collaboration without sacrificing security.


Seamless Integration

CentreStack integrates with existing IT infrastructure, including Active Directory, ensuring a smooth transition to secure cloud file management without disrupting user experience.


Advanced Encryption

Utilizing state-of-the-art encryption, CentreStack protects files in transit and at rest, ensuring that data is secure, whether accessed remotely or shared.


Drive Mapping

Mimics traditional file server interfaces with cloud flexibility, allowing users to access and work with files as if they were stored locally, enhancing user adoption.


File Locking

Ensures data integrity by preventing simultaneous edits, crucial for teams collaborating on documents, maintaining version control and reducing conflicts.


Permission Control

CentreStack maintains existing permissions and access controls, allowing for detailed management of who can view or edit files, crucial for sensitive information.

Encrypting Files, Safeguarding Data Everywhere

Ready to elevate your data security to unparalleled heights? CentreStack offers revolutionary encryption for shared files, ensuring your data's safety across all remote work scenarios. Don't let vulnerabilities compromise your business's integrity. Click 'Try CentreStack Free' now and transform your approach to data protection and collaboration efficiency.

Our Recent Case Studies

Revolutionizing IT Security and Efficiency

In a groundbreaking partnership, a Managed Service Provider teamed with a technology partner to deliver a GDPR-compliant, white-labeled cloud storage solution, enhancing data security and management for small businesses. This collaboration, valued at $600,000, not only addressed significant IT infrastructure challenges but also set a new industry benchmark for managed services. The success story underscores the importance of adaptable, customer-centric solutions in meeting evolving digital needs, showcasing a strategic approach that propelled both parties to the forefront of IT innovation.

Expand Your Digital Horizons

Dive deeper into our innovative solutions designed to elevate your business's digital workflow. From remote CAD collaboration to seamless cloud migration, discover how our tailored solutions can transform your data management and security. Explore further to unlock the full potential of CentreStack for your team.

Remote CAD Collaboration

Secure, Synchronized Access Anywhere, Anytime Easily

Seamless Remote Access

Offline File Management, Anywhere Productivity Boost

Seamless Cloud Migration

Expert Support, GDPR Compliance, Zero Downtime

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

How does CentreStack ensure the security of my data during remote access?

CentreStack employs advanced encryption technologies to protect your data during remote access and file sharing, ensuring that your sensitive information remains secure, regardless of your team's location.

Can CentreStack integrate with my existing business infrastructure?

Yes, CentreStack is designed to seamlessly integrate with your existing business infrastructure, allowing for secure and efficient remote file access and sharing without the need for complex system overhauls.

What makes CentreStack's encryption technology superior for remote work?

CentreStack utilizes top-tier encryption technologies tailored for the digital era, addressing the vulnerabilities of remote work and ensuring that data security does not compromise collaboration efficiency.

How does CentreStack tackle the challenges of data security in today's digital landscape?

CentreStack addresses the challenges of safeguarding data in the digital landscape by offering a solution that combines secure file sharing, advanced encryption, and seamless integration, thus protecting against vulnerabilities without hindering accessibility.

Is CentreStack suitable for teams working in different locations?

Absolutely. CentreStack is designed to support teams regardless of their location, providing a secure and accessible platform for collaboration and data sharing across the globe.

How does the encryption process work with CentreStack?

CentreStack's encryption process involves encrypting files before they leave your device, ensuring they remain encrypted during transmission and while stored on our servers, thus providing end-to-end data protection.

Can CentreStack help my organization comply with data protection regulations?

Yes, CentreStack's advanced encryption and data security measures can help your organization comply with various data protection regulations by ensuring that sensitive information is securely managed and protected.

What steps does CentreStack take to prevent unauthorized access to my data?

CentreStack implements multiple layers of security, including encryption, secure access controls, and continuous monitoring, to prevent unauthorized access and ensure that only authorized users can access your data.

  • Encryption/
  • Secure Collaboration/
  • Secure Remote Collaboration /
  • Encrypting Files, Safeguarding Data Everywhere

Ready to secure your data with top-tier encryption and ensure seamless remote collaboration today?