Active Directory Cloud Migration

Seamless Cloud Transition for Active Directory

CentreStack enables seamless migration from on-premise Active Directory to the cloud, offering a tailored solution for SMBs in healthcare and law. It facilitates remote access without VPNs, enhances operational efficiency, reduces costs, and modernizes IT infrastructure, making the transition smooth and cost-effective.

CentreStack enables businesses, especially in healthcare and law, to migrate from on-premise Active Directory to the cloud effortlessly. It offers a tailored solution that allows remote access without VPNs, leveraging cloud benefits while keeping data local. This transition not only maintains efficiency but also cuts long-term costs and modernizes IT infrastructures smoothly. CentreStack's Active Directory cloud migration solution is designed for SMBs, encouraging them to overcome migration fears, embrace cloud advantages, and advance operations cost-effectively.


In the realm of SMBs, especially within healthcare and law, the transition from on-premise Active Directory to the cloud presents daunting challenges. These businesses face the dual hurdles of overcoming the inertia of change and navigating the perceived immediate financial impact of migration. This reluctance is compounded by a lack of familiarity with cloud benefits and concerns over operational disruptions.

Resistance to Change

Businesses often hesitate to migrate due to a comfort with existing systems and processes, fearing the unknowns of cloud technology.

Cost Concerns

The perceived immediate costs of cloud migration deter SMBs, overshadowing the long-term savings and efficiency gains.

Operational Disruptions

Concerns over potential disruptions during the migration process can cause businesses to delay or avoid transitioning to the cloud.

Lack of Familiarity

A gap in understanding the full spectrum of cloud benefits leads to hesitation, with businesses unsure about the tangible advantages.

Recognizing these challenges is crucial for adopting a solution that supports your business's strategic direction.

Existing Solutions and Their Limitations

In the evolving landscape of cloud migration, businesses, especially SMBs in healthcare and law, face significant hurdles with existing solutions. Competing platforms like Dropbox, Box, and SharePoint, while popular, often fall short in addressing the nuanced needs of Active Directory cloud migration. These solutions, designed with broad applications in mind, overlook the specific challenges SMBs encounter, leading to a mismatch in expectations and outcomes. The limitations of these platforms become apparent when businesses seek a seamless, cost-effective transition to the cloud without disrupting their operations.

High Costs

Solutions like Dropbox and Box introduce a steep financial burden, making the migration seem less appealing to SMBs already cautious about upfront investments.

Complex Migration

The complexity of migrating to platforms such as SharePoint deters SMBs, who fear operational disruptions and the daunting task of navigating these transitions.

Lack of Flexibility

Existing solutions offer limited flexibility in hosting options, forcing businesses into a one-size-fits-all model that may not align with their specific needs or preferences for Azure, AWS, or Colo data centers.

Gradual Transition Challenges

Competitors fail to provide a gradual transition path to the cloud, essential for businesses hesitant about a full migration, thus not addressing the operational continuity concerns of SMBs.

Introducing CentreStack

CentreStack's solution facilitates SMBs' transition to cloud-based IT infrastructure, streamlining the move while addressing cost, resistance to change, and operational disruption concerns, thereby easing the path to modernization.

Seamless Transition

Facilitates a smooth migration from on-premise to cloud, minimizing operational disruptions and allowing businesses to maintain continuity.

Cost Reduction

Reduces long-term IT expenses by eliminating the need for on-premise servers and leveraging the cloud's scalability and efficiency.

Enhanced Accessibility

Enables remote access to files without VPNs, promoting flexibility and supporting modern, mobile workforces.

Modernized Infrastructure

Modernizes IT infrastructure with cloud features on local data, ensuring businesses stay competitive and secure.

Learn how CentreStack revolutionizes your IT infrastructure and cloud migration strategy, preparing your business for the future.

Embrace seamless Active Directory cloud migration without VPNs. Transform with CentreStack now!

Cloud Drive Mapping

Drive mapping is an important feature for online file access. End users can easily drag and drop files and folders from a set of mapped drives over the Internet without a VPN connection.

Global File Locking

File locking is a vital feature for online file access and team collaboration to avoid conflicts. End users need to control global concurrent online file access by using file locking to maintain consistency.

Permission Control

Dropbox and Google Drive don't have the same level of centralized control as a file server. You might miss the NTFS permissions and the ability to know where your data is, who has access to it and what they're doing with it.

Our partners

Embrace the future with CentreStack: Transform your Active Directory for seamless cloud migration and modernized IT. Discover how.

How It Works Diagram - Two flavors of CentreStack

CentreStack Online

We host CentreStack for you in AWS

Organizations need to enhance mobility and productivity through streamlined remote access and collaboration. CIOs seek online solutions with seamless cloud integration to minimize disruption and reduce employee retraining for new cloud storage systems.

Mapped Drives

Remotely access file shares from a drive letter without the need for a VPN. Cloud replication is optional!

File Locking

Provides full support for file locking from the cloud, with a familiar file server locking experience.

File Servers

Solve file server sync and share problems while facilitating mobile access and business continuity.

Mobile Access

Connect to your file server with a mobile device and edit directly using Microsoft Office Mobile Apps.


Use web links to share files and folders with recipients or receive files directly from a web browser.

Mobile Apps

Mobile applications provide file server remote access from iOS and Android devices.

CentreStack Server

Self-Hosted CentreStack Server Installation

Implement a private cloud file-sharing and secure remote access solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing IT infrastructure, enabling you to serve your clients efficiently and effectively.


From our success stories, MSPs making $24K and have 80% margins. It is an excellent way for MSPs to enhance their service portfolio.


CentreStack adopts a single-pane-of-glass management model, allowing MSPs to manage the solution from one single web interface.


CentreStack is multi-tenant by design, making it easy for MSP to set up and support multiple clients from one single deployment.

White Label

CentreStack is a white-label solution supporting complete branding from web interface to mobile applications.


CentreStack integrates with file servers, AWS, Azure, and google. The integration makes it easy for MSPs to deploy solutions.


CentreStack partner programs offer marketing collaterals and partner incentives and assistance for solution deployments.

If you are an enterprise seeking a self-hosted solution that complements your existing IT infrastructure with enhanced remote access and collaboration capabilities, explore Triofox—our robust sibling solution designed specifically for larger organizations.

How It Works

CentreStack streamlines the shift from on-premise systems to cloud environments for SMBs in healthcare and law, offering easy remote access and local data storage. This solution facilitates IT modernization at reduced costs and complexity, eliminating the need for VPNs.


Seamless Migration

CentreStack offers a straightforward path to migrate your Active Directory to the cloud, reducing operational disruptions and initial costs.


Remote Access

Enable secure, remote access to files without the complexity and security concerns of VPNs, facilitating flexible work environments.


Data Sovereignty

Maintain control over your data location, ensuring compliance and data protection while benefiting from cloud scalability and accessibility.


Cost Reduction

Transitioning to the cloud with CentreStack mitigates long-term costs associated with maintaining on-premise servers and outdated systems.


Modern Collaboration

Leverage modern collaboration tools integrated with cloud file server technology for improved teamwork and productivity.

Seamless, Efficient Transition to Cloud Infrastructure

Revolutionize IT with CentreStack's Active Directory cloud migration. Ideal for SMBs in healthcare and law, it offers secure, hassle-free transitions. Embrace innovation with a free trial.

Our Recent Case Studies

Revolutionizing SMB Digital Transformation

A Managed Service Provider (MSP) specializing in UCaaS leveraged our white-label file-sharing and UCaaS solutions to modernize services for SMBs across healthcare, law, and insurance sectors. Overcoming challenges like high transition costs and resistance to change, the MSP achieved seamless cloud integration, enhancing operational efficiency and client satisfaction. This strategic partnership not only empowered SMBs in their digital transformation journey but also set a new benchmark in telecommunications solutions, showcasing the transformative potential of tailored cloud solutions in driving industry innovation and growth.

Expand Your Cloud Mastery

Dive deeper into the cloud's potential with our specialized solutions. From enhancing remote work capabilities to ensuring GDPR compliance and streamlining license management, discover how our advanced features can transform your business operations. Explore further to unlock the full power of the cloud.

Secure Remote Storage

Efficient, Scalable Solutions for Modern Workforces

GDPR Compliance Solutions

Secure Data Handling Meets EU Standards

Tenant License Simplification

Streamline Management, Enhance Efficiency, Boost Satisfaction

Frequently Asked Questions: All You Need to Know

What challenges do businesses face when migrating their Active Directory to the cloud?

The primary challenges include the cost of transitioning from on-premise infrastructure to the cloud and overcoming resistance to change, particularly for businesses accustomed to their existing Active Directory setup for many years.

Why do some businesses hesitate to migrate their Active Directory to the cloud?

Hesitation often stems from immediate cost implications and comfort with existing on-premise setups. Additionally, decision-makers may rely on feedback from office or IT managers who may not see the benefit in changing systems.

How does CentreStack address Active Directory cloud migration challenges?

CentreStack cloudifies existing on-premise data, enabling remote access without a VPN and offering cloud features like file sharing and collaboration, facilitating a smoother transition without requiring immediate full migration.

What benefits does CentreStack offer for Active Directory cloud migration?

CentreStack provides seamless remote access, maintains security permissions, supports mobile access, and enhances collaboration with file sharing in the cloud, ensuring data sovereignty while leveraging cloud advantages.

Is CentreStack compatible with alternative cloud storage solutions like Idrive e2?

Yes, CentreStack can integrate with any cloud storage solution that supports S3 compatibility, offering flexibility in choosing underlying storage solutions for cloud migration.

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  • Cloud Migration/
  • Cloud Directory Migration /
  • Seamless, Efficient Transition to Cloud Infrastructure

Ready to simplify your Active Directory cloud migration and modernize IT infrastructure today?